Wednesday, October 22, 2014

the exchange...

What's the best part
about being a caricature artist?

A complete stranger sits down in front of you for five to twelve minutes...
If you are lucky, they then proceed to opening up and telling you their
complete life-story (the condensed version, of course).

You hear all about their significant loves, losses, joys, sorrows, illnesses, triumphs, downfalls, family-life, travel & adventures, their fave hobbies,
careers, musicians, artists, films, television shows or sports team...
Such a wonderful honor & privilege!

And if you are very, very lucky, some of these stories stay with you
(and continue to inspire you) for years to come.*

This was a gentleman by the name of Karl
(who I drew way back in 2009 or 2010)... 

As I talked with him, I discovered that the two of us had
(both, in different life-times) ran away to South America
in our mid-30s (because of a girl) and had wonderful adventures in Brazil!!

Oh, there is another wonderful thing about this sacred "exchange"
between the model & artist...

Once you have drawn someone, they never forget you!
 They'll often come up and say hello to you (sometimes years later).
Perhaps you are reading this and have one of my
caricatures on your wall at home? If so, email me & send me a photo.
I would love  to see it (and you) again...

Facebook: BrentHarpurArt
Twitter: @CartoonBrent

* I think this is why
I am never short of ideas & inspiration
for my own cartoons and writing...

Kia ora


"Every now and then, one paints [or draws]
a picture that seems to have opened a door & serves
as a stepping stone to other things."
(Pablo Picasso)

-For Peta.

Friday, October 3, 2014

why I teach...

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” 
(William Arthur Ward)

" The best kind of feeling tired...?
When you know you have done your day's work and you
have poured all of your soul, essence & being into it.

And, in the process
(if you are really lucky & blessed)
you share that passion and fire
with a room full of strangers; who
(through this process of learning from each other,
student teaching teacher, teacher inspiring student)
become new friends,
not just with you but each other.

And they in turn become a part of
that very same fire called art, another piece of the
creative revolution & cultural (ex)change.

And this, dear reader, is why I teach.
And (after nearly twenty-five years) I still enjoy it!! "

[Brent Harpur, 28/9/2014.]

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn."
(Phil Collins)