Saturday, September 7, 2013

BREAKING NEWS Start Spreading the News!!


Yes, you read that correctly!!
Brent and Amy are VERY excited to announce
that 'Scatter Joy' will be screening in
Times Square, New York!!!

...on the 16th October 2013.

It will be showing as part of the 'Mark of Distinction' lineup of films
that lead up to the Official
New York Independent Film Festival
(from the 18-20 October) !!! *

Both Amy and Brent have wanted to visit New York forever!!
For Brent, this has been a personal goal (as a practising artist & teacher)
ever since he was an art student in the early 90's!!
He is a huge fan of Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Patti Smith,
Keith Haring (who features in the doco), Andy Warhol... His work (as both
visual artist & writer) has been inspired by New York for most of his adult life!!
After receiving the amazing news, Brent bravely sent the Festival
organisers an email, asking if they would let him draw at the screening.
They immediately (and very excitedly) got back to him, and said "YES!!"
They also, in turn, asked if he would like to draw at the Festival's
official Opening Party as well!! And, of course, Brent said "YES!!!"
He is very, very excited, to say the least!!!
To read more about the Film Festival, please click here:
You can find them on Facebook too:
...and follow them on Twitter:
* 'Scatter Joy' will be showing on the evening of
the 16 October at 10.15pm.
The screening will be in the 'Producers Club'.
The address is 358 W 44th Street, New York, NY 10036.
It is at the corner of 44th Street and 9th Avenue.
(the closest subway station being Times Square)
Since Brent asked the Festival (last weekend) if he can draw at the screening,
they have now sent out a huge press release letting people know that he will be attending (and also drawing at the Opening Party). You can read it here:
And because they have very kindly plugged the film (and Brent) in the
Press Release, there's a very good chance that it may book out!!
If you would like to attend, please visit the Festival's booking page:
In the coming five weeks, Brent and Amy are both
hoping to raise the funds they need to attend the screening!!
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them both
(as visual artist & film maker) that they are taking very, VERY seriously!!
"The artist never entirely knows...
We guess, we may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark."
(Agnes de Mille)
Please stay tuned over the coming week, and see how you might be
able to help them (both) achieve their dream of visiting the 'Big Apple'...
Thank you for reading!!!




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