Monday, February 10, 2020

The Child Whisperer...

(Vogel St Party, Dunedin, NZ, 2017.)

“For life is the best thing we have in this existence.
And if we should desire to believe in something, it should be a beacon within.
This beacon being the sun, sea, and sky,
our children, our work, our companions and, most simply put,
the embodiment of love.”
Patti Smith

At the tender age of 51, I struggle to articulate verbally
just what it is I do for a living (and have been for nearly thirty years)...

This photo popped up in my social media memories this morning. It was taken
at the Vogel St Party (in Dunedin) in late 2017. In it, I am doing what comes naturally to me,
and I started way back in 1991. I don't understand how it happens.
But a lot of my closer friends & creative allies (over the years) have referred to me
as a "Child Whisperer". It is a role I am allowed to continue based on
reputation & hard-earned trust. Not by the children themselves, but by their parents
& guardians. And for this, I am extremely grateful & immensely thankful.

This connection & magic that flows back and forth between myself and my students
comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I take this very seriously.
And I feel very humbled that people continue to trust me and
allow me to work and create with their children.

The other night I attended a talk where the speakers talked about language & words.
And how some things (like music & poetry) completely surpass & transcend the
boundaries & limits that language contains. Having had the good fortune to
work with children in both Mexico & Brazil,
I have had firsthand experience of this "international language"
of cartooning. It is a language that not only bridges gaps in spoken words
but also in connections between children and adults.
I still don't understand how this works, but I'm constantly learning (even now) as an educator/entertainer to just let go, follow my heart + intuition
and give freely of my skills, experiences & knowledge.
I don't know how this changes my students/recipients,
but now (more than ever, in this world that we've created & 
leave for the next generation)
I think this work is vital. And important.

I'm doing my small bit for youth and tamariki. Does it help?

I hope so. It makes me happy. And, if in the brief exchange between
teacher & student, it makes a difference... 
If, just for a moment, I can create (or share) a little joy with another.
Give them a safe space.
And perhaps install in another growing human being
a creative means of self esteem, confidence
(an outlet / tool for expression, and being alone, but not lonely).

This is it.

What I do for a living, my life's work.
My everything.
My legacy & contribution.
I hope that it is enough.

And thank you (again)...

 For the continued belief, support.

And trust.

(c) Brent M Harpur, 2020.

(This blog entry originally appeared as a Facebook post on 9/2/2020.)

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